Rhubarb & Custard Martini

'Thunder's Rhubarb & Custard Martini'
Thunder’s Rhubarb and Custard Martini is a unique twist on the classic Martini. This sweet and creamy drink is great for after dinner as a dessert cocktail. The mixture of rhubarb and custard is a boozy twist on everyone's favourite childhood sweets.
Thunder Rhubarb & Ginger Vodka 50 ml
Frejya's Crema Custard 35ml
Cranberry Juice 20ml
Vanilla Syrup 5ml
Garnish Slither of Rhubarb
How to mix
Line the rim of a vintage champagne glass with a strip. of rhubarb. Pour all ingredients into a shaker and shake hard with cubed iced and pour into glass.