Toffee Apple Pie Cocktail

'Thunder Apple Pie'
Toffee and Apple have always been perfect partners and this is a timeless apple vodka cocktail classic, brought into the Noughties with the delicious addition of Thunder Toffee + Vodka. This cocktail has a very authentic taste that is always very popular amongst toffee + vodka fans and has been received well at many of our events.
Thunder Toffee + Vodka: 30 ml
Vodka 15 ml
Cinnamon syrup/ Goldsager 5 ml
Apple juice 25 ml
Gomme/Sugar Syrup 10 ml
Mint leaves 8
Gomme (Sugar Syrup) 12 ml
Garnish Red apple fan or detailed carving.
How to mix
Add all of the ingredients to a cocktail shaker and shake 3 times then stir for several minutes and then double straining the mixture into a chilled martini glass.