Thunder ·
Toffee Vodka ·
Toffee Vodka Champagne Cocktail

This Toffee + Vodka Champagne Cocktail is easy to make and is a delicious toffee + vodka cocktail and part of Thunder’s simple mixers collection.
Thunder Toffee + Vodka: 30 ml
Champagne Top with
Garnish The mixologist used an apple slice to garnish this Vodka Champagne Cocktail, the apple used here is more for the visual effect rather than taste. You could use an edible flower such as a hibiscus or you could put in some fresh raspberries. Follow the link to see how we used raspberries to garnish our champagne cocktails.
How to mix
Pour the measure of Thunder Toffee + Vodka into a champagne flute and then top-up with champagne.